We have multiple of this set, so if you are interested in just one or two message , because I will be listening to them a singles as well I locked down new although they were released in 1999 2001 and 2001 Cause they had never been taken out of the box.I took one out of the box just to get. some pictures right now with this set comes 1) 3 -figurine A) 1999 Pierrot B) 2000 Masquerade C] 2001 Harlequin 2) 3- Display Stsnds 3) 2- Title Plaques A) 99 Pierrote B) 2000 Masquerade 4) 2-Microfibre Crystal Cloth Being that these got put away and stored after purchase.The captain knew the boxes are overall and very I'll almost make condition I would say but in the hour , twenty four years old I took A lot of pictures , so please Refer to the pics If you're a big Swarkovski Collector And You have deep pockets And is interested in buying A collection Of these savaski figurines had 11 taken out of a box.Just stored away upon messaging me.I will reveal the details send me a 10% of the sale is donated to stand up for cancer charity