Title: Batman Vol. 1: Failsafe Author: Zdarsky, Chip Publisher: DC Comics Binding: Hardcover Pages: 224 Dimensions: 10.44h x 6.90w x 0.72d Product Weight: 1.22 lbs. Language: English ISBN: 9781779519931 Superstar writer Chip Zdarsky joins red-hot artist Jorge Jim̩nez to define a new era in Batman with their critically acclaimed and bestselling Failsafe arc! Batman has battled all manner of criminals, monsters, and super-villains, but nothing could have prepared him for what's coming with Failsafe, an unstoppable foe that can outfight and outthink the Dark Knight--could this all be connected to a dark secret in Bruce Wayne's past? Collecting Batman #125-130! Ships Fast From The USA! Authorized Dealer Stock Photo - Actual Cover May Vary {{Overnight Shipping Available (10:30am CST Cutoff Time)}}