Artist/Writer:Jamie Grant, Frank Quitely, Grant Morrison
Character:Dr. Quintum, Martha Kent, Leader of the Superman Squad, Chronovore, Lucy Lane, Jimmy Olsen (Doomsday), Superman of the 5th Dimension (Klyzyzk Klzntplkz), Steve Lombard, Lex Luthor (Statue), Jimmy Olsen, Superman (Clark Kent, Also As Unknown Superman of A.D. 4500), Sun-Eater, Superman (Clark Kent, Also As the Unknown Superman of A.D. 4500), Superman of A.D. 85230 (Kal Kent), Joker (On Giant Coin), Cat Grant, Brainiac (Statue), Jonathan Kent, Nasthalthia, Jimmy Olsen (Statue), Pete Ross, Superman (Clark Kent), Krull, Bizarro (Statue), Lana Lang, The Leader of the Superman Squad, Samson, Lara, Atlas, Krypto, Batman (Statue), General Lane, Superman of A.D. 85250 (Calvin Elder), Parasite, Perry White (Statue), Jor-El, Leo Quintum, Perry White, Agatha, Dino-Czar Tyrannko, Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Superman Robots, Ultrasphinx